ALE 隐私与数据保护政策
本 ALE 隐私与数据保护政策(“本政策”)最后一次更新于 2023 年 8 月 24 日。
This policy applies worldwide to ALE International and its affiliated entities (collectively, "ALE", "We" or "Our").。
What information do we collect about you and why, how do we process it, how do we share it, and how do we handle personal information that you create, enter, submit, post, transmit, store, or display when accessing and using our services。
If you live in California, do we need to provide you with additional information about how we use and disclose your personal information and your rights in relation to such information。有关更多详情,请参阅以下《火狐体育手机》(“CCPA”)隐私政策。
- 链接到本政策的网站
- 您订阅或注册的服务
- 通过网页表单提交的个人数据
ALE recognizes that in order to conduct business successfully in an increasingly electronic economy, it is often necessary to process personal data, including, but not limited to, the collection, use, retention/storage, access and/or disclosure of personal data by ALE。
In addition, ALE recognizes the legal rights and expectations of its employees, third party employees or similar persons, customers, and other third parties (" individuals "or" data subjects ") doing business with ALE or on behalf of ALE as they relate to the privacy and protection of personal data。
Personal Data or personally identifiable information (" Personal Data ") means information about or relating to an identifiable individual, or information that can be used directly or indirectly to identify an individual。ALE 收集的有关个人的信息在很大程度上可能视为个人数据。
ALE 的目标是在全球和集中化业务的益处与个人在隐私和个人数据保护方面的正当利益之间取得平衡。ALE is committed to respecting the privacy rights and legitimate expectations of individuals and to protecting personal data collected by ALE from unauthorized access, use, retention/storage and/or disclosure。
The fulfilment of this commitment is a primary management objective and the personal and collective responsibility of ALE and its employees, as well as third parties doing business with or on behalf of ALE。
为此,ALE 承诺:
透明度:就 ALE、员工和与 ALE 合作或代表 ALE 行事的第三方对其个人数据的处理向个人 提供必要的通知。ALE will provide its employees and all relevant third parties with the necessary notices which shall disclose to the data subject, as required, the purposes for which the personal data of such individuals is collected, used, retained/stored, disclosed or otherwise processed, and any other relevant information regarding the processing of the data as required by applicable law。
选择和同意:告知个人他们在处理其个人数据方面可能拥有的可用选择,并在需要时获得此类个人的必要默许或明确同意。在适当的情况下,个人将获知他们在提供此类个人数据方面的可用选项(例如“选择加入”或“选择退出”)。此外,ALE 将在必要时寻求获得此类个人关于收集、使用、保留和披露其个人数据的默许或明确同意。
数据主体访问权限:向数据主体提供访问其个人数据的权限,以供审查和更新。个人有权审查其个人数据并进行更正或更新,在适用的情况下请求封锁数据,或者出于正当理由反对处理其个人数据。如有必要,个人也有权撤回对其个人数据的收集、使用、保留和披露的同意。ALE 应制定相关流程,确保请求审查或更新其个人数据的个人是合规的人员。
相称性:Personal data is collected only for lawful and legitimate purposes, used only for the purpose for which it was collected or for which the necessary consent has been obtained, and such personal data is retained only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose, subject to local law。
ALE will collect personal data where permitted by law and will only collect personal data that is relevant and useful for legitimate business purposes, consistent with the notice provided to the data subject and proportionate to those purposes。ALE 仅将个人数据用于收集数据的目的,或在需要时用于已获得默许或明确同意的其他合法目的。
Personal data may only be retained for as long as is necessary to achieve the permitted purpose and permitted by applicable national law, after which ALE will process such information appropriately。
披露:仅出于合法和明确的目的,并在法律要求的情况下,在数据主体的默许或明确同意下向第三方披露个人数据。ALE 和员工只会出于正当的业务理由向第三方披露个人数据。如有必要,将获得个人的默许或明确同意。
In addition to enforcing confidentiality agreements to protect confidential information, ALE requires third parties receiving personal data to undertake to comply with all applicable requirements of this policy and related procedures, as well as the data privacy and protection laws of the applicable countries。
数据保护:保护个人数据免遭未经授权的访问和使用。In accordance with the Information Security Policy, appropriate information security safeguards will be used to protect physical and electronic personal data in any format or medium from unauthorized access and use。
数据质量:努力确保所收集、使用、保留和披露的个人数据的质量。ALE will develop processes and procedures designed to ensure that the personal data collected remains accurate, complete and relevant for the purposes stated in the applicable notice provided to the individual at the time of collection。
监控和执行:监控和强制遵守本政策以及适用国家/地区的隐私和数据保护法。ALE 人员、旗下公司和合资企业有责任遵守本政策和相关程序,以及规定个人隐私权及其个人数据保护的适用法律。ALE 应制定流程和程序,以定期评估和核实这些要求的遵守情况。
请将您关于数据保护/隐私及其相关权利的问题或请求发送至。数据保护官将回复您的询问。此外,ALE 将制定流程和程序,以处理与收集、使用、保留和披露个人数据有关的投诉和争端。
管理和问责:分配和支持其政策和相关程序的管理和问责。ALE 应维持隐私和数据保护治理框架(“核心团队”),根据该框架,信息安全官和数据保护官以及其他可能需要或有用的职位和机构应明确职责,以定义、记录、宣传和传达本政策和相关计划,制定和实施流程和程序,以确保遵守本政策和相关程序以及适用的隐私和数据保护法。
日志文件信息:When you use the ALE Website, our servers automatically record certain information sent by your "client" (which you connect to via your computer and/or mobile device) when you visit any website。这些服务器日志可能包括您的网络请求、互联网协议(“IP”)地址、浏览器类型、浏览器语言、引用/退出页面和 URL、平台类型、点击次数、域名、登录页面、查看的页面和这些页面的顺序、在特定页面上花费的时间、您的请求的日期和时间、一个或多个可以唯一识别您的浏览器的 cookie、您请求内容的电子邮件地址以及各种内容信息等信息。
当您使用 ALE 服务时,我们的服务器会记录我们的应用程序在使用这些服务时发送的某些通用信息。
ALE 使用您的个人数据的目的如下:
- 维护潜在客户和客户数据库,以及
- 管理和传播新闻类邮件、活动或网络研讨会邀请,以及发送有关 ALE 产品、解决方案、促销和优惠的信息。此类数据的接收者是 ALE 内部部门(销售、营销、通信、IS)和 ALE 的一些分包商。
- 电子邮件地址
- 名字和姓氏
- 电话号码
- 家庭住址
- 使用情况数据
- 标识号
- 身体特征
- 有关表现和/或行为的信息
Usage data may include information such as your device's Internet protocol address (such as IP address), browser type, browser version, which pages of our services you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data。
当您藉由或通过移动设备访问服务时,我们可能会自动收集某些信息,This includes, but is not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device unique ID, your mobile device IP address, your mobile device operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser you use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data。
跟踪技术和 Cookie:有关我们使用的 Cookie 以及您对 Cookie 的选择的信息,请访问我们的 Cookie 政策。
- 提供和维护我们的服务:包括监控我们服务的使用情况。
- 管理您的账户:管理您作为服务用户的注册。您提供的个人数据可以让您访问作为注册用户可使用的不同服务功能。
- 为了履行合同:制定、遵守和履行您所购买的产品、物品或服务的购买合同,或通过服务与我们签订的任何其他合同。
- 与您联系:To contact you by email, phone, text message or other equivalent form of electronic communication, such as push notifications from mobile apps about updates or information communication related to features, products or contract services (including security updates) (when necessary or reasonable)。
- 向您提供消息:We offer special offers and general information on other goods, services and events similar to those you have purchased or inquired about, unless you opt out of receiving such information。
- 管理您的请求:处理和管理您向我们提出的请求。
- 用于业务转让:We may use your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestitures, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding in which personal data held by us about users of our Services are among the transferred assets。
- 用于其他目的:We may use your information for other purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of promotions, and evaluating and improving our services, products, business, marketing, and your experience。
- 与服务提供商:我们可能会与服务提供商共享您的个人数据,以监控和分析我们服务的使用情况、进行付款处理、与您联系。
- 用于业务转让:We may share or transfer your personal data in connection with or during negotiations for any merger, sale of our assets, financing or acquisition of all or part of our business by another company。
- 与旗下公司:我们可能会与我们的旗下公司共享您的个人数据,在这种情况下,我们将要求这些旗下公司遵守本政策。旗下公司包括我们的母公司以及我们控制或与我们共同控制的任何其他子公司、合资伙伴或其他公司。
- 与业务合作伙伴:我们可能会与我们的业务合作伙伴共享您的个人数据,以便为您提供某些产品、服务或促销。
- 与其他用户:When you share personal data or otherwise interact with other users in public areas, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly available。
- 征得您的同意:经您同意, 我们可能会出于任何其他目的披露您的个人数据。
我们将仅在本政策所述目的所需的时间内保留您的个人数据。We will retain and use your personal data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we need to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies。我们还将保留使用情况数据以供内部分析之用。Usage data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, unless it is used to enhance security or improve the functionality of our services, or we are legally obligated to retain usage data for a longer period of time。
您的个人数据将在我们的运营办公室以及参与处理的各方所在的任何其他地方处理。This means that this information may be transferred to and stored on computers located outside of your state, province, country or other government jurisdiction where data protection laws may differ from the laws in your jurisdiction。您同意本政策,随后提交此类信息,即表示您同意该转移。We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal data is processed securely and in accordance with this Policy, and will not transfer your personal data to other organizations or countries unless adequate controls are in place, including the security of your personal data。
- 遵守法律义务
- 保护和捍卫我们的权利或财产
- 防止或调查与服务有关的可能不当行为
- 保护服务用户或公众的人身安全
- 免受法律责任
The security of your personal data is important to us, but please remember that no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure。尽管我们努力使用商业上可接受的方式来保护您的个人数据,但我们无法保证其绝对安全。
Google Analytics 收集有关您如何使用本网站的统计信息,以便我们改进本网站。Google Analytics 本身不会收集特定的用户信息。We do use Google Tag Manager to install Google Analytics and use tracking pixels to support reporting and remarketing through agencies。Our agencies use Adwords, Doubleclick, Facebook, LinkedIn, and possibly some other tracking pixels for remarketing。
本 CCPA 隐私政策仅适用于居住在加利福尼亚州的访客、用户和其他人。
收集的个人信息类别:我们收集用于识别、涉及、描述、引用、能够关联或可以合理地直接或间接关联特定消费者或设备的信息。以下是我们可能收集或在过去 12 个月内可能已从加州居民处收集的个人数据类别的列表。
请注意,下文提供的类别和示例是 CCPA 中定义的类别和示例。This does not mean that all examples of personal data in this category are actually collected by us, but rather reflects our good-faith belief that, to the best of our knowledge, certain personal data from applicable categories may or may have been collected。例如,某些类别的个人数据只有在您直接向我们提供此类个人数据时才会被收集。
- A 类:标识符
Examples: real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet protocol address, email address, account name, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifier
- B 类:《火狐体育手机官网》(Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)) 中列出的个人信息类别
Examples: name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, phone number, passport number, driver's license or state ID number, insurance policy number, education, employment, work history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number or any other financial information, medical information or health insurance information。此类别中包含的部分个人信息可能与其他类别重叠。
- C 类:加利福尼亚或联邦法律规定的受保护的分类特征
Examples: age (40 years of age or older), race, color, ancestry, country of origin, citizenship, religion or belief, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, retirement or military service status, genetic information (including family genetic information)
- D 类:商业信息
- E 类:生物识别信息
Examples: genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or patterns of activity used to extract templates or other identifiers or identifying information, such as fingerprints, facial and vocal prints, iris or retinal scans, keystrokes, gait, or other body morphology, and sleep, health, or exercise data
- F 类:互联网或其他类似的网络活动
- 类别 G:地理位置数据
- H 类:感官数据
- I 类:专业或就业相关信息
- Class J: Non-public educational information (under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g, 34 CFR Part 99)
Example: Educational records maintained by an educational institution or on its behalf that directly relate to a student, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification numbers, student financial information, or student disciplinary records
- K 类:从其他个人信息中得出的推论
根据 CCPA,个人数据不包括:
- 政府记录中的公开信息
- 去识别化或汇总的消费者信息
- 1996 年《火狐体育手机》、《火狐体育手机官网》或临床试验数据所涵盖的健康或医学信息
- Personal data covered by certain industry-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Graham-Leach-Billilay Act, the California Financial Information Privacy Act, and the Driver Privacy Protection Act of 1994.
自动从您那里获得的信息。例如,通过我们或我们的服务提供商在您浏览我们的服务时在您的设备上设置的 cookie。
来自于服务提供商。For example, third-party providers that monitor and analyze the use of our services, third-party providers for payment processing, or other third-party providers that we use to provide services to you。
出于业务目的或商业目的使用个人信息:我们可能会使用或披露我们收集的个人信息,用于“业务目的”或“商业目的”(根据 CCPA 的定义)。此类目的的示例包括:
- 运营我们的服务并向您提供我们的服务。
- 为您提供支持并回复您的询问,包括调查和解决您的疑虑以及监控和改进我们的服务。
- 实现或满足您提供个人数据的理由。例如,如果您共享您的联系信息来询问有关我们服务的问题,我们将使用该个人数据来回复您的询问。如果您提供您的个人数据来购买产品或服务,我们将使用该信息来处理您的付款并促进交付。
- 响应执法请求以及适用法律、法院指令或政府法规的要求。
- 如收集您的个人数据时向您描述的那样,或如 CCPA 中另有规定的那样。
- 用于内部管理和审计目的。
- 检测安全事件并防范恶意、欺骗、欺诈或非法活动,包括在必要时起诉应对此类活动负责者。
If we decide to collect other categories of personal data or use the personal data we collect for materially different, unrelated or incompatible purposes, we will update this policy。
出于业务目的或商业目的披露个人信息:We may use or disclose, and may have used or disclosed the following categories of personal data for business purposes or commercial purposes in the past 12 months。
- A 类:标识符
- B 类:《火狐体育手机官网》(Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)) 中列出的个人数据类别
- D 类:商业信息
- F 类:互联网或其他类似的网络活动
请注意,上文所列的类别是 CCPA 中定义的类别。This does not mean that all examples of personal information in that category have in fact been disclosed, but rather reflects our good-faith belief that, to the best of our knowledge, certain personal information from the applicable categories may or may have been disclosed。
When we disclose personal data for business purposes or commercial purposes, we enter into a contract describing the purpose, requiring the recipient to keep the personal data confidential and not to use it for any purpose other than the performance of the contract。
出售个人信息:As defined by the CCPA, "sale" and "sale" refer to the sale, rental, publication, disclosure, dissemination, provision, transfer, or communication to third parties of consumers' personal data orally, in writing, or electronically or otherwise for a valuable remuneration。这意味着我们可能因共享个人数据而获得某种利益,但不一定是金钱利益。
请注意,下文所列的类别是 CCPA 中定义的类别。This does not mean that all examples of personal data in that category have in fact been sold, but rather reflects our good-faith belief that, to the best of our knowledge, some of that information from the applicable category may or may have been shared in exchange for value。
我们可能出售并可能在过去 12 个月内已出售以下类别的个人数据:
- A 类:标识符
- B 类:《火狐体育手机官网》(Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)) 中列出的个人数据类别
- D 类:商业信息
- F 类:互联网或其他类似的网络活动
- 服务提供商
- 支付服务提供商
- 我们的旗下公司
- 我们的业务合作伙伴
- 您或您的代理商授权我们向其披露与我们向您提供的产品或服务相关的个人数据的第三方供应商
出售 16 岁以下未成年人的个人信息:We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors under the age of 16 through our services, although certain third party websites to which we link may do so。These third party sites have their own terms of use and privacy policies, and we encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet use and instruct their children never to provide information on other sites without their permission。
We will not sell personal information of consumers we actually know to be under the age of 16 unless we have the express authorization of a parent or guardian of a consumer aged 13 to 16 or a consumer under the age of 13 (the "opt-in right").。选择出售个人数据的消费者可以随时选择拒绝未来的出售。为了行使选择退出权,您(或您的授权代表)可以火狐体育手机向我们提交请求。
If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 (or 16) has provided us with personal data, please contact us with sufficient details so that we can delete the information。
您根据 CCPA 享有的权利
CCPA 为加州居民提供有关其个人信息的特定权利。如果您是加州居民,则拥有以下权利:
- 通知权:您有权获知正在收集哪些类别的个人数据以及个人数据的使用目的。
- 请求权:根据 CCPA,您有权请求我们向您披露有关我们出于业务目的收集、使用、销售、披露和共享个人信息的信息。收到并确认您的请求后,我们将向您披露:
- 我们收集的关于您的个人信息的类别
- 我们收集的关于您的个人信息的来源类别
- 我们收集或出售该个人信息的业务或商业目的
- 我们与之共享个人信息的第三方的类别
- 我们收集的关于您的具体个人信息
- 如果我们出于业务目的出售您的个人信息或披露您的个人信息,我们将向您披露:
- 出售的个人信息类别
- 披露的个人信息类别
- 拒绝出售个人数据的权利(选择退出):您有权指示我们不要出售您的个人信息。如要提交选择退出请求,请火狐体育手机。
- 删除个人数据的权利:除某些例外情况外,您有权请求删除您的个人数据。Upon receipt and confirmation of your request, we will delete (and instruct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our records, except in exceptional cases。如果我们或我们的服务提供商有必要保留信息,我们可以拒绝您的删除请求:
- To complete the transaction in which we collect personal information, to provide the goods or services you have requested, to take actions reasonably expected in our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise to perform our contract with you
- 检测安全事件,防范恶意、欺骗、欺诈或非法活动,或起诉应对此类活动负责者
- 调试产品以识别和修复损害现有预期功能的错误
- 行使言论自由,确保其他消费者行使其言论自由权的权利,或行使法律规定的其他权利
- 遵守《火狐体育手机》(加州刑法第 1546 条及其后各条)
- If you have previously provided informed consent to participate in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest when deletion of the information could result in unrealization or serious harm to the results of the research, subject to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws
- 根据您与我们之间的关系,仅允许合理地符合消费者期望的内部使用
- 遵守法律义务
- 对该信息进行与您提供信息时的情境相符的其他内部合法使用
- 更正个人数据的权利:您有权更正我们维护的不准确的个人信息。收到并确认您的请求后,我们将尽商业上合理的努力进行更正(并指示我们的服务提供商进行更正)。
- 不受歧视的权利:您有权不因行使任何消费者权利而受到歧视,包括:
- 拒绝向您提供商品或服务
- 对商品或服务收取不同的价格或费率,包括使用折扣或其他优惠或处以罚款
- 向您提供不同水平或质量的商品或服务
- 暗示您将获得不同价格或费率的商品或服务,或者不同水平或质量的商品或服务
除非法律要求或允许更长的保留期限,否则我们通常会在实现隐私政策中概述的目的所必需的期限内保留您的个人信息。Please note that in many cases, we must retain all or part of your personal information to fulfill our legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, prevent fraud, deception or illegal activity, or for our other business purposes。
行使您的 CCPA 数据保护权利:For any rights you have under the CCPA, if you are a California resident, you may contact one of our senior attorneys by mail, phone or email:
Legal Department
2000 Corporate Center Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA
(747) 388-7468
- 提供足够的信息,使我们能够合理地核实您是我们收集个人信息的人或授权代表
- 充分详细描述您的请求,使我们能够正确理解、评估和响应您的请求。如果我们做不到以下项,我们将无法响应您的请求或向您提供所需信息:
- 验证您的身份或您提出该请求的权限
- 确认个人信息与您有关
- 我们将在收到您的可核实请求后的 45 天内免费披露和提供所需信息。提供所需信息的时限可在合理必要时可延长 45 天一次,但须事先通知。
我们提供的任何披露仅涵盖收到可核实请求之前的 12 个月。
For data portability requests, we will choose a format to provide your personal information that should be easy to use and should allow you to transfer the information from one entity to another without hindrance。
请勿出售我的个人信息:您有权选择不出售您的个人信息。我们收到并确认您的可核实消费者请求后,我们将停止出售您的个人信息。要行使您的选择退出权,请点击我们网站主页页脚中的“CA — 请勿出售我的个人信息”链接。
Service providers with whom we work (for example, our analytics partners) may use technology on our services to sell personal information as defined by CCPA。If you wish to opt out of using your personal information for potential sales as defined in the CCPA, you can do so by clicking the "CA - Do not Sell my Personal Information" link in the footer of the home page of our website。
我们的服务不针对 13 岁以下的任何人。我们不会故意收集 13 岁以下的任何人的个人数据。如果您是父母或监护人,并且知道您的孩子向我们提供了个人数据,请火狐体育手机。If we become aware that we have collected personal data from anyone under the age of 13 without verifying parental consent, we will take steps to remove that information from our servers。If we need consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data, and parental consent is required in your country, we may need to obtain your parental consent before we collect and use that personal data。
本政策可能会定期修订,这将反映在本政策开头的日期上,该日期表明本政策的最新一次更改时间。请重新访问本页面以了解更新内容。您继续使用 ALE 网站和 ALE 服务即表明您同意本政策及其任何修订。
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